Thursday, April 27, 2006

Going outside the Wire

Ok, rule number one of leaving the security of your little encampment....don't tell your parents about it until after you return safely!!!!! Yes, folks, my little ol blog here will be the trigger that ignites a nuclear warhead over Cincinnati when my folks explode into a tizzy of worry. But now that I am back ok.....
Last week we had some testing data to collect, and the confines of our camp didn't yield the right conditions, so we decided to try the International Zone, or IZ. you may remember this scene of the "Crossed Swords". It was Saddam's parade deck, symbolizing their "victory" over the Iranians in the late Eighties.
You may have heard about "Route Irish". Last year, it was the most dangerous road in the world. Because of it's importance and the focus on it, it is now pretty safe. It was a real gut check however to be hunkered down in the uparmored Hummer with my Kevlar and Body Armor, but still passing that sign....
Anyway, we ran up there, and out the little .... I can't call it a window... they call it transparent armor, because it is a couple inches thick of bulletproof glass....I got to see "real" Iraqis out there. It makes me wonder about the hearts and minds battle though. Here we are in our armored tanks, passing little kids playing soccer and waving....
Anyway, once into the IZ, we swooped into the parade deck, took control of one Hummer, and let the other trucks go relax for a while. The area is fascinating - Saddam had questionable tastes in decor and style, but you never could say he didn't think big. You have probably seen this area in the older footage of military parades and the like, with Saddam giving his best beauty queen wave.
So we got done with our testing, got back alive with plenty of time for me to change my underwear before dinner! Afterward, we had a meeting at the palace, and I couldn't resist this shot - Now you can say that you have officially seen one of Saddam's guest bathrooms! Once again the ego of this idiot was incredible. Look at all the marble and gold filagree while his people starved! It is almost embarrasing to walk into one of these rooms and close the oak door.... Even rich people have to poop though....
So to calm the nerves, I went out on a valid mission, I came back safely, and all those young professional kids I spoke of last time are locked on and ready for anything. And yes, their professionalism and courage made me feel like a little girl for feeling scared. I thank God that they deal with what we put them through so coolly and bravely. I don't see many trips in the near future, and compared to most, I will be relatively stable and safe. I can't tell you that I will never roam outside the wire, but when I do, it will be done with the utmost care and concern....and an extra pair of underwear!


Anonymous said...

Well at least you didn't go on a sight seeing tour and it was official. Great pictures and I hope you gathered a lot of information that will keep you busy for a long time. Yes, there are worries in Cincinnati.

Keep up the good work and stop worrying about your underware, you can run pretty fast in boxers or briefs, clean or otherwise, if you have to.



Anonymous said...

If you can locate some Saddam Cuban Cigars I would be greatful. I really want to thank you for not only worrying you rparents but also your little brother you over grown piece of dog crap. Is there not any Army grunt or spare Marine (sorry Shannon) that could go out on this mission and relay the "cool" sights. For the love of God please keep your head down. Stay safe Bubba


Anonymous said...

Amazing pics hon and I am so proud of you and what you are accomplishing over there. I hear Brad has decided that he wants to audition for ZZ Top also, he isn't cutting his hair until you come home! lol This oughta be classic to watch. By the way Brad that Army Grunt or spare Marine would also be your brother-in-law or sister-in-law, I'm sure Angie loves you volunteering her brother for the job! There are those of us that consider it an honor to accomplish such a mission and do so without a second thought because the cause is worth it. I still love ya though! Semper Fi

Anonymous said...

One more quick note to everybody, if you click on the pictures it enlarges them. You really need to check out the top picture on this post, it is truly amazing! Great photography hon! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't nearly as upset as Brad was, guess I was just glad you told us after the fact. Also, you won't do it again, right?!

Loved the pictures, Dad printed the one of you under the arch.....way cool Beanie. Proudy of you!

Just take care, stay safe, SURROUND yourself with good people, and as Aleks says "Stay Stron"!
Love you,

Love you, mis

Anonymous said...

My brother would absolutely be the first one to volunteer himself up for that type of mission! One of the major reasons I am ssooo worried about him joining Vinnie over there. Jess I don't think would be so quick. (If your reading this my two Army "grunts" I love ya, trust ya, but just worry!)
Awesome update Vince! Eventhough my dad was there in the first Gulf War, being a 15 year old in high school, I didn't understand much of what was going on. It's really neat to be able to see now some of the things he may have once seen.
Hey, when your publish this after you return, can I be mentioned in the dedication?? Hee, hee! Seriously, when you return you should convert this into a book. There are lots of Americans that need to see this side of the story!
All my love and prayers are sent your way-
Be smart and be careful,

Anonymous said...

I know he would Ang, and I would do it again in a heartbeat too if I were about 10 yrs. younger and not a Mom. That was my point exactly. Hope your feeling well!

Anonymous said...

V-Dog, I'd volunteer to come over there and ride shotgun for you, but all my uniforms mysteriously shrank when I got out (can it really be 14 years ago?!?!). That, and you're likely a lot safer without me - lol.

I hope you took time to appropriately "christen" that marble and filigree facilty for all of us who can't come over and do that ourselves.

Julia, Cinnamon and I send our love and prayers your way -- keep your head down and your powder dry!

Semper Fi,

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck I think they put something in our uniforms during outprocessing because the same thing happened to mine!!! And don't you dare remind me how far past our prime we are! lol

Semper Fi,


Anonymous said...

Hi Beanie! Geneva and I are finally back online and we are looking forward to more updates. Be safe and we love you!

Anonymous said...


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Thanks a lot, Bill.