Friday, May 05, 2006

Building up my Karma

Sorry folks, no pictures tonight, just a story. This one starts back in around 1989, mid summer. They say that you have to give back what you get. The concept of paying it forward from the movie was nice, but generally speaking we are only so thoughtful of others when it doesn't interfere with our own lives too much. That is when you have to reassess things and strive to go the extra mile.
This particular summer, I was returning from a summer cruise. Actually, I was leaving one cruise at the Naval Academy, and transitioning to another...or so I had thought. Two weeks underway on the USS Groton, two weeks in La Maddelena, Italy. My next stop was supposed to be Kiel, West Germany, but the XO told me it wasn't in my orders, so he had planned to send me back and that the Academy would send me to my next stop.....more likely, he didn't want to spend the travel $$$.
The reservations made by the boat, only got us as far as Rota, Spain where we were laid over for four days (Brad, feel free to insert a comment about dancing with a tranny here!) We caught a C-130 back to Norfolk (only 18 hours!!!) and rented a car from there to Annapolis. We crashed at my sponsors at 2:00 am, unannounced, tired, but somewhat happy to be back. Over the next day or so, I found out that I wasn't going to West Germany, that I was going on a YP cruise in a month, and that I was on leave from that point until a month later. The plan at this time was to get a hop on a plane to Wright Patterson AFB and get home as soon as possible.
By the time I got to Andrews, it was around 3:00pm, and after checking in (wearing a really sweaty dirty set of whites!) I find out that the last plane has departed. Ever resourceful, I manage to book a reservation out of BWI for 6:00pm.....unfortunately for me, BWI is about 35 miles away, and it is moments before the DC rush hour. So I cruise out of the building and see an Air Force Officer walking to his car. On the chance that I can chat him up, I run over, only to find myself saluting a full Air Force Colonel. Screwing up my courage, I explain the situation. Thankfully, after a short phone call to his wife to hold dinner as he was going to have to travel 35 miles in the wrong direction on the beltway......he drove me to the airport.
So why is this story in my Iraq blog? Turns out seventeen years later (gawd has it been that long?) I find myself driving back to the office at 10:00pm at night, only to be flagged down near the helipad next to my building. Five army personnel ranging from Major to Sgt are suited up in Kevlar and flak jackets. Seems that they had been waiting at the bus stop for 30 minutes. Their helo flight had been cancelled, and they were due out to the Airport at midnight for the once a night liberty flight back to Kuwait, so they could go home for their mid-tour two week R&R. They only wanted a hitch to the PX, where they thought they could catch the bus.......
So what about the paperwork, stress, and other crap I had to do? It was a nice night, and a 35 minute drive around Baghdad Airport with five poor souls just looking to get home turned out to be a hell of a lot more rewarding. They say payback is a bitch, but sometimes it can really be rewarding, especially if you are returning favors given to you for no good reason.


Anonymous said...

You know what. If that 5 star whatever wouldn't have picked you up and taken you to the airport 17 years ago, you still would have picked up those soldiers. Vince, besides Dad, you are one of the nicest, bravest, most kind hearted, people that I know. The U.S. Military is incredibly lucky to have you working to save our soldiers. Keep up the great work, I am so very proud that my brother is defending my freedom. Now, if we can just work on the Danny Graves thing, as well as the tranny I thing, we all will be just fine!! I will take money to give up stories on Vince by the way!

Anonymous said...

This is a great story Vince and a return of good karma. I couldn't be more proud of both you boys, each helping in your own way. I can rest assured that the future of our country is in good hands.

Anonymous said...

That is a neat story! It would be interesting to know if any of the five guys were in any way connected to the Air Force 5-star. It seems like karma works that way. In a few years, one of those five just may find themselves helping out a young minor-league catcher/pitcher to get back home during the off-season!
Stay safe, love you,

antimedia said...

Vince, you don't know me, but we have mutual friends - John and Peggy - If you think being a bubblehead in Baghdad is a bit strange, imagine this. I served six years in the Navy during the Vietnam war and never once set foot on a ship.

I'm looking forward to following your adventures over there. May you always have fair weather and following seas.