Monday, June 12, 2006

Ding Dong the Witch is dead!

Sorry to start out with such a graphic image, but this is a really big thing here. I totally agree with our Commander in Chief here, but it was a definite boost to the old spirits here when the news came out. I happened to be driving around Log Base Seitz at the time. It is a logistical base on the edge of camp where there are a lot of mechanics and techs. I had asked for directions when I went in the gate, and an Army SGT came over and gave me directions. At the time, his attitude was locked on, very professional and straight forward. All around good kid. So later, as I was driving out and heard the news, I pulled up to the checkpoint (which people don't normally do, so it drew the attention of the multiple guards there - most of them privates / Specialists). I started telling one of them about the news, and he had an "Oh that's nice" sort of reaction, but when the SGT came over and I told him, he practically was doing backflips. Fist pumping, hooting, jumping up and down. It was nice to make someone's day here.

So what does this all mean to the troops? Yes, there is an insurgency still out here, and the websites are going crazy - we hear translations of them in the Stars and Stripes all the time. I am a big fan of energy however - you can feel it, you can sense it. If nothing had happened and we wouldn't have gotten the bastard, then things would have just "gone on". That is what stage of the war we are at right now - making progress, doing good work, but for the most part putting in time until something happens. Well, something DID happen. You can feel it. It is like a momentary big sigh of relief. While not necessarily physical, there is an emotional energy building here. Unless someone steps up quickly and is more bloodthirsty, evil, insane, etc, fill in the evil blanks.....I think we may have turned a corner. While they will never be totally gone (how many of us can say we killed ALL the cockroaches in our house?) they are without an energy source themselves.

Who knows what the future may bring, but for right now, things are starting to look up.


Anonymous said...

Let the Bastards bring up another replacement, and we will drop another 1000 pounds on his ass. You guys over there are doing a great job. ubl is next, so I hope that he does not get to relaxed. He won't have to worry about a corn cob up the rear, but more along the lines of a 500 pound bomb. Take are Bubba, Kepp up the awesome work!!!

Love you

Anonymous said...

Keep up the motivation for the troops there, I'm sure they like it a lot, and I know you are a GREAT Leader. Keep your chin up.



Anonymous said...

Keep that positive energy going! Did you get to see the President yesterday? His trip there must have been an energy-builder for the troops as well.
While we miss you here, we know that what you're doing there is important, worthwhile, and it's making a difference. We're so very proud of you Beanie,
Take care, stay safe and "stron",
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Margie says:

All the Vet's are proud of you guys. It was the talk in the waiting room for several days. Most people are estatic he is dead. Now they have found all those papers, in the building he was in, which should give up a lot of info.

Well done to our troops!!!!!!
