Tuesday, August 29, 2006

LOOOOONNNG overdue update

Well folks, I apologize for taking three weeks off by now. I would like to give you a wonderful story about how busy I have been, how I have saved the world, but the reality is that I have been sitting here at my computer, pushing my reports seven days a week, following the Reds and Bengals online, and counting down the days until my R&R (only 29 more to go!)
Here are a couple of interesting tidbits about the war, that I don’t think most people know about:

1. Most of us staff types not busy driving around vehicles outside the wire trying to keep from blowing up drive rental cars. Some of us even have personalized them a bit. (Thanks Mike and Michelle!)

2. I (and most everyone else – even the guys driving trucks) have the time on a daily basis to go to the gym and work out – treadmills, elipticals, free weights, hammer weights.

3. For as much crap as people give Halliburton / KBR for making a ton of money, I for one would argue with anyone that this is a bad deal. Would you rather have the kids putting their lives on the line wasting time standing in a long line for 5000 calorie meals that did nothing for them? Three times a day, we get anything we want from Crap, to spinach salads, burgers to steaks, and cold cuts to freshly sliced pineapple. In days of yore, military cooks did the job, which included preparation, cleaning, serving, sanitation, training and US Government $$$$$ to make it happen. At least with KBR, while it may be costing a bundle, the soldiers behind the chow line are now on the frontlines which means a more efficient training and operational environment.

4. Mom asked me how I do my laundry – I don’t! Once again, thanks to KBR, I give them a bag of dirty skivvies and sweaty tshirts twice a week, and get back a bag of freshly washed and folded clothes. They spoil me here – I will be hell to deal with just picking up my dirty socks when I come home!

5. We have free copies of Stars and Stripes here, as well as our own camp newsletter – yes, family can leave embarrassing support messages to their soldiers / sailors here. Just think – letting the entire conglomeration of hard chargers on Camp Victory know that you are referred to as “Binnie” by your mom!!! http://www.mnci.centcom.mil/Victory_Times/default.htm

6. The Stars and Stripes and our newsletter are not run by the leftist liberals who want you to believe that this war is going poorly:

Aug. 20, 2006
One million pilgrims commemorate 7th Imam
BAGHDAD – The commemoration of the death of the 7th Shiite Imam (Musa al-Kadhim) drew more than one million pilgrims to the al-Kadhimiyah Shrine in Baghdad’s Kadhimiyah neighborhood from Friday through Sunday. The event occurred with relatively little violence; security for the celebrants was planned, led and executed by Iraqi Security Forces from the Iraqi National Police, Iraqi police and the Iraqi army, who worked together to safeguard those participating in the religious event. Iraqi military and civil leaders provided a comprehensive security plan to ensure there would be no recurrence of violence that marred last year’s event. As a result, there were no major attacks, and the ISF was effective in containing violent elements. Violence against the pilgrims did occur in the Adamiyah and Shaab neighborhoods. The Government of Iraq is still assessing the actual number of casualties, but they appear to be minimal. Iraqi police from 2nd National Police Division killed a terrorist and detained two after they fired upon the pilgrims. “The ISF did a good job containing the violence and protecting the people,” said Maj. Gen. James D. Thurman, the commanding general of Multi-National Division – Baghdad. “These acts against innocent civilians are deplorable, but Iraqi Security Forces did an excellent job in preventing more needless loss of innocent civilian lives.” The pilgrimage serves to commemorate the life and death of the 7th Shiite Imam, Imam Musa al-Kadhim.

(Just think – LA was shut down for a weekend earlier this year to protest anti-immigration bills. The various incarnations of the million man march in DC produced all kinds of problems. Whenever a large city wins a professional sporting event, the police are out to prevent FANS CELEBRATING BY TORCHING CARS AND RIOTING! But One Million Shiite Muslims came to Baghdad, and a civil war DIDN’T break out in the middle of a war zone!!!! Did anyone hear about this in USA Today or the Washington Post????)

7. How many wartime operational units in a war zone have you heard of that have their own website? http://www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil/campvictory/

8. The baby ducks have all but grown up, but mom and dad Iraqi ducks still watch to make sure they cross the road safely. (I actually saw but couldn’t get my camera out fast enough a two lane road shut down completely in both directions where HWMMV’s in both directions, complete with armed gunners with .50 caliber machine gunners stopped to make sure the ducks crossed the road safely – yes these steely eyed highly trained killers have a soft spot for baby ducks)

9. Iraqi signs tell the truth more often than US warning signs

10.STRYKER vehicles are one bad-ass class of machines. (almost) too wide for a road, and highly maneuverable, they do more to strike fear in the hearts of those bent on evil than other vehicles. While not invincible, they are imposing.

11. Hooch security is a 24 hour deal, and you only want the best out there on the front line making sure the perimeter is safe!

Well, that is all for now. I will keep plugging and try to pump out more information when I can. Congrats to new mommy and daddy – Brad and Angie! Avary is a little angel, and these two cousins (Ginny on the left and Avary on the right) are sure to wreak havoc on their parents for many years to come – especially with an Aunt and Uncle like Shannon and I. (payback is a bitch!)


Anonymous said...

It's about time we have an update, it isn't like you are busy over there or anything! Great pics honey, especially Bearnice. I'm sure her and Scrappy do a wonderful job of keeping things safe while you are at work. Also welcome Avary, we can't wait to meet you in only a month!!!

Anonymous said...

I know that the USA Today would probably not like to hear all of the "Truths" that are happening in Iraq...But I definetly know that the camp newsletter would love to know about Officer Beanie dancing with a transvestite. Well, half to three-quarters of them probably have danced with that same tranny so it would not be big news. I think that Geneva and Avary are going to be clubbin buddies. I am not sure if the nunnary allows their nuns to go to clubs and dance. Oh well. Thanks for the update Vinnie. Keep all of the good news coming and we will be seeing you very shortly. About the hair...Think Bronson Aaroyo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Busy is your new middle name, lol. But I have to tell you your security personnel need to keep up such a good job. I know I wouldn't want to mess with them.
Glad time is ticking and you'll be on R & R Before you know it.

Love from Cleveland-laurel

Anonymous said...

Hi Beanie! Just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you and the shortbread is (finally) baking!

You're going to love Avary - she's a little doll.


Tam & Geneva