Saturday, September 23, 2006

T minus two and counting

Well folks, I am a mere 36 hours away from leaving on a jet plane...I know when I will be back again...Oh Babe, I hate to come baaaaaack.....
Ok, I don't mean to channel the late John Denver, but it is time to start to get excited. I feel like Santa Claus, because I have a little something for everyone - mostly trinkets and souveniers, but you only get to come to Iraq once....(I hope!!!) So I am bringing back a little something for everyone.
It will be a long trip - can't really go into details obviously, but I have at least one stop until I can catch a scheduled flight out of theater, then on to a "hub" then home. When you realize how many troops here are going home on a weekly basis for R&R, you start to realize just how much money is being given to the airlines to support the operations. President Eisenhower, the old General himself, on leaving office warned of the dangers of a coming Industrial-Military complex where the decisions necessary to go to war will be muddied by profit and industrial pressures. I guess this makes me think of my earlier posts on KBR and Halliburton. We are very well taken care of out here, but it makes one wonder.
Anyways, on to happier thoughts - Aleks just helped his team win in football with two touchdowns in the second half as quarterback. People think I am crazy, but I have another phone call to make tonight at midnight to listen to Derek's game! This season is lost, but I try to continue to be involved in the teams - in a perfect world, I would get out of the Navy and become a full time football coach. At the very least, I am on the hook to keep being involved in the lives of a couple of my players. Mark my words everyone, one day, you will hear the name Shaquan Dyson as a wide receiver....if I have anything to do about it..
Ok, so not the greatest post of all time - rambling and meandering, but I am starting to get excited and antsy, so gimme a break! I will see you all stateside - more to follow!


Anonymous said...

I found 5 minutes to check the computer and what do I see but a new post from my brother-in-law! I am thrilled for you to be coming back!! We are all excited to see you and hug you! We just can't wait. By the way, Austin is slightly confused. He knows Uncle Beannie has been in Iraq and can't quite figure out sometimes why we are going to Maryland then to see him! Anyhow, 11 more sleeps and we start to head your way. I hope you have a safe trip home. Be careful and take care,
All my (our)love,
Ang, Austin, Avary, and my now-30-year-old husband, Brad
(Love you, Brad-Happy Birthday!)

Anonymous said...

Now you are REALLY on your way home....don't know where you are right now, but I know you're headed in the right direction!
Take care son, stay safe and we'll see ya soon!!
Love you,