Saturday, May 19, 2007

Welcome to the second coming of the Blog!!!

Hey all -
I have been frustrated, busy and in need of an outlet for a while, and finally remembered how much I enjoyed writing. Kind've awkward now, since I returned home in November - comparatively speaking the guy in the picture has left the building so to speak. I am trying to find him again however - I have registered for the USMC Marine Marathon - 26.4 miles of sheer agony this coming October!!!!
I am up to 9 miles a week - trying for more gradually, but I need a day in between road ventures at this point - took a break off this Friday. Partly because of lack of sleep, partly because I swim the PRT this weekend, and decided to relax for a change. I am shooting for a "good - average" if that means anything to the civilian world. What it means to me is that I can do about 70 situps in 2 minutes, 50 pushups in two minutes (or thereabout) and swimming 500 yards in about 12 minutes. Every year, they seem to raise the standards. I am beginning to think that I will be Captain America by the time I retire!
Anyway, there isn't an urgency to check this blog out - I have thought about various ideas for it, like requesting donations for the marathon - not necessarily for my needs, but for a good cause, but I am not sure about how to work the pledge / not for profit website issue. I don't have a specific idea for a charity, but I had been thinking about a number of ideas, or maybe a collection - Juvenile Diabetes, Fisher House for disabled vets, St. Mary's County Pigskin Football, and something to do with Alzheimer's research. If anyone has ideas, let me know.
In the meantime, I have setup shop so to speak at NAVAIR, where I have been put in charge of Tomahawk Integration (i.e. making the missile work with the ship properly) for the Virginia Class Sub, and in charge of the Torpedo Tube Launched Block IV variant of the missile overall. More to follow with that on a different post - my head is already spinning with the amount of money we spend in the government!!!
Well, thanks for reading - I will post here from time to time - maybe a little less news, and more politics, because I am acutely aware of the lack of spine and occasionally a lack of brainstem action that goes on in the public arena that I can't let lie....


antimedia said...

Good to have you back. Don't be gone for so long in the future.

Laurel said...

Hi Vince,

I got a good idea. Politics, govt and other subjects are great but don't forget to tell us about all that's happening with the boys too.
Love and miss all of you, hope to see you soon.
