Saturday, February 07, 2009

Canseco was right again

Don't you just hate that guy? That one guy you may work with, or be forced to eat lunch with? That one braggart, brash A-Hole who always is talking about "me, me, me....I, I, I....." You sit there in agony, unable to get a word in, having to listen to his every opinion and rant. Then he drops the proverbial deuce on the table - he says something soooo outrageous and stupid that you see an opening to jump all over him and prove that he is an idiot......only he turns out to be right. Dammit, Canseco did it again. I was listening to the opening show in 2005 when XM first started "MLB Home Plate". Rob Dibble brought on Pete "Charley Hustle" Rose (pre-book, mea culpa, etc) and Kevin Kennedy brought on Jose Canseco. At the time, Canseco's first book was just out and he was getting ANNIHILATED by the press as being sensationalist and a liar. Then Bonds became what he has become, MLB instituted its drug testing program, Roger "The Rocket" Clemens became 'Roid Roger, and one by one our heroes became idiots.....
There were allegations of course, but there were a few hopes and beliefs still out there - A-Rod was still A-Rod. Truly an A-Hole, but amazing talent. Even stories in and ESPN about how he had sought counsel from Charley Hustle on handling the pressure. He almost had slipped by. He stood as the lone hope to push us past the "steroids era" because Bonds wouldn't be working anymore, and just a few more years with the Yankees and we would have a new HR king.....
I read the story on SI by Selena Roberts and David Epstein. The quote from A-Hole said it all..."When approached by an SI reporter on Thursday at a gym in Miami, Rodriguez declined to discuss his 2003 test results. "You'll have to talk to the union," said Rodriguez, the Yankees' third baseman since his trade to New York in February 2004. When asked if there was an explanation for his positive test, he said, "I'm not saying anything."
I was quiet - didn't get mad, just frustrated. By that time the show the boys and I had been watching "Man vs. Food" on the Travel Channel (awesome concept - I highly recommend it!) had ended and I had switched over to Fox News to find out how the Senate was going to ruin the country and on what time table.....when the news on A-Rod came out....I saw another hero of a 10 year-old fall. "A-Rod used steroids??" he asked. "Yeah, sorry Aleks - A-Rod is a cheater"......he was quiet for a moment. Then summed up what we all had felt...."I actually thought he was good enough to do all that by himself....."

Yeah, me too....

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