Never ceases to amaze me how easily these roll out of my head when I have a fire lit. I could never be a regular journo - takes too much out of me, but in times like these, the thoughts just fit and flow....
Let's cut to the chase - there is much gnashing of teeth and carnage today over the recent passage of the health care monstrosity. What has me infuriated however is how ridiculous we all look playing Chicken Little. I had to turn Rush Limbaugh off today, as after about five minutes of listening to him as I was out running errands made me crazy. He spoke of how we were hanging on by our fingernails - how this was a precipice that we may never come back from....Please - go talk to one of the doughboys who landed on Utah Beach, or maybe some of the Marines climbing the bloody black sands of Iwo and tell me that passing of a @#$%!@# health care bill is armageddon....
Is this bad legislation - sure. But we (the GOP) are right now committing the highest crime that there is - believing in the Bull$hit! For far too long, we have bought into the mantra that the liberals, the progressives, the commie bastards want to destroy the constitution - Atlas Shrugged is coming true! The sky is falling!!! We make the same mistake that those on the other side of the aisle make - they assume the constitution is weak and faulty and outdated and that is must be "brought up to the current day". We assume that the constitution is weak, frail, and must be defended against the evil hoardes trying to change it. Dammit, the constitution has been around longer than any of these Buttholes in Washington - INCLUDING Senator Byrd! It will be around as long as there are two key points - 1. Those powers not expressly given to the federal government or the several states are reserved by and for the people, and 2. we have a populace willing to fight.
On the second point is where I will make my stand. Generation X. We were the lazy slackers. The ne'er do wells - we were the Playstation generation that didn't know what the hell we were going to do with our lives. Funny thing happened on the way to the forum though - our generation didn't give away the farm. While the "greatest" generation of WWII secured liberty for the world, their kids gave it away. While GOP "leadership" such as John McCain trampled all over free speech in campaign finance reform (and yes - i do approve this rant!) in a fit of guilt over his early times in the Senate, his kids are leading the way to real leadership. BECAUSE of the Greatest Generation, their children felt the guilt of not being able to achieve anything of significance since the world was already saved - they grew up looking for a cause - wailing over Vietnam, Believing in the Peace Corps and fellating their way through the Oval Office in a search for a legacy. And what have THEIR kids done?
Us slackers have quietly learned the mechanations of the machine. We have an entire generation of 18 - 22 year olds coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan as patriots. Ignore the protests and the claims of the self hating "community organizers" out there - these are kids that are not only well trained, they are experts in street warfare. It wasn't the billions of dollars and whiz bang contraptions that were saving lives as a result of the benevolent intervention of the military industrial complex that countered the IED's. It was a motor pool grease monkey who played Xbox in between shifts who figured out how to strap on a glow plug to the alternator of a Hummvee and built an arm that would trigger IED's in advance of the cars rolling over them that saved lives. These kids are our future. They are smarter than their parents. They are tough beyond their years. They have a chip on their shoulder from being called slackers all their lives. And they have a cause. They believe in the constitution, they believe that there is true evil out there, and they will not go down without a fight.
Those people who think that the constitution has been trampled on and destroyed are too willing to give up - case in point - last year the most evil organization in the world was ACORN - we were never going to get rid of them. Two kids and a camera took care of them by speaking truth to power. That is the true strength of this country and her constitution - the right men and women at the right time in the right place can move the planet. The results of that silly vote are over and can't be changed. They may not be changed for a while. But they will be fixed, the wrongs righted and when it comes time the time of reckoning of our federal budget and constitution, those men and women will move forward with the same grit, determination and power of having truth on their side as they do with every mission they run outside the wire in the bowels of hell overseas. Just wait - you will be able to hear and identify them by their confidence and their catch phrase - "Let's Roll"....
Monday, March 22, 2010
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