Monday, June 19, 2006

Hallmark, what have you done?

Ladies and Gentlemen -
If this works, I want my Mother to get some royalties out of this! She went to the store to try and find some hallmark cards for the occasion of "hope you have a happy anniversary, even though you are in a war zone, and your family is worried about you back at home". So she sent this letter....Reprinted with permission of the author!

Hallmark, Hallmark, what have you done?
I looked for a special card and I could find none!
You’ve always been there for me,
With cards for one and all.
Birthdays, weddings, retirement,
thank-yous, and passing-the-bar.

You have cards about movie stars, politics,
Divorce, and bodily functions.
Cards about weight loss, getting older,
Getting treatment, and luncheons.
You remember Father’s Day, Mother’s Day,
Kwanza, and Diwali.
You recognize nurses and bosses,
Kittens and collies.

You cater to swingers, doers,
Golfers, and losers.
Hair dressers, bus drivers,
Teachers, and boozers.
You counsel about moving, moving on,
Moving up and moving out.
Of your care and concern,
There is no doubt.

You care deeply, openly, simply and truly,
Your concern is honest, greatly, justly and duly.
Imagine my surprise then
When a card I could not find.
A card for our military men and women
Who are all on our minds.

You may be quite liberal,
And politically correct.
Just remember our men and women in uniform
Provide you the freedom to do what you elect.
These military folks don’t like being away from home
And they don’t like the war.
They miss their families, their friends, their pets, their comforts,
Down deep in their core.

So I implore you, O’Hallmark the great
Show us what you’re made of, show us that you rate.
Produce a line of "Freedom" cards that will show support
For our men and women in uniform and their families still at port.
To start a "Freedom" line is not only the right thing to do,
But think of the revenue it would produce for you!!


Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! I wouldn't be surprised if you get a call from Hallmark to write cards after that!

Anonymous said...

Go mom!