Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day!!

One of the benefits of working this much without a weekend, is that time FLIES!! It just seems like yesterday I was making my Mother's day entry. One of the first casualties of war they say is innocence. While I have yet to see any "action" per se (and hope never to have to - submariners on the front line just sounds like a bad storyline!)I can definately see the effects. This is a country of walls, barriers, checkpoints and wire. It also is a country of Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters and Family. When I look at the role models I have in my life for men, I can truly say that I am blessed. I can only hope that I can live a life half as good as my Dad, and my 'second' dad, or as Shannon says "my Bob".
There are times when I feel down, depressed, mad, and angry at the world. And then I think of how old I am in relation to the boys, and get caught off guard - all those memories I have of what I was doing and how I was feeling when I was their age and what perceptions I had of my Dad. I remember being mad at him, for being in awe of him as he coached baseball, of how easy he made it seem to be a dad, to be in charge, to be a man.
I now realize that he felt the same things I am feeling today - scared, nervous, worried, concerned, lacking confidence and like everything is a charade. But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that there is a job to do, with people depending on you. That the only thing in the world that matters is your family. That you will do anything in the world to give them a better life and to keep them safe, even if it means leaving them to go halfway around the world to fight evil.
Derek and Aleks - you boys make me so proud, and a guy couldn't ask for better kids. I am so happy to be your dad. Bob - thanks for being a role model, and treating me as your own son. Brad - happy almost Father's day on your latest addition - I can't wait to hear the news tomorrow! Jon - welcome to the club! Enjoy the diapers and the 3AM feeding and the hassles of dealing with car seats - they grow up too fast. Dad - thank you for teaching me how to be a man. Not by hiding your feelings, or being stoic, but for enjoying life, cussing, yelling, laughing, and living. If anything my time over here has taught me is that (pardon the blatant copyright infringement Mr. Brooks) life is not tried, it is merely survived if you are standing outside the fire. Thank you for teaching me how to laugh about getting burned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vince, you are a great guy and more than a great father. You are a mentor to your boys, an all around caring person, and great provider for your family. It makes me even more proud to know that you are my son and look up to me! Wow, now that is a compliment!

