Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Editorial comments

Hey all!
Well, I finally got a chance to get on a computer here, and wanted to say Hi! I will have a chance to fully update things with a blow by blow on Sunday, but until then, I just wanted to make a quick Mia Culpa.
I have a bad habit of running off of the mouth without engaging brain, and it showed last Sunday, and was highlighted by Michelle (THANKS!) In all my haste to get the hell out of dodge and get to the airport, I forgot to acknowledge my lovely, talented, perservering, and ever supportive wife. Honey, there is no way I could do this without you and I am officially, publicly and immensely sorry I didn't include you in my "goodbye" post. You mean the world to me.

Love to all - I will be back on here on Sunday!


The 3 Walkers said...

was highlighted by Michelle (THANKS!)

That sounds like a SARCASTIC thanks! Hee, hee! ;-) (Kinda like, "Thanks a lot, B&$*%!") It's only because I'm a wife...and my husband has left me a few times (Okinawa for a year, CHP Academy for 6 months) and if he had to ever post publicly about it, I sure HOPE (as does he, for his own safety!!) that he would remember to acknowledge me!

I'm glad we'll still be able to hear from you...the age of computers is truly amazing. Shanny said to send you In-n-Out while you're "in country", but I'm guessing it won't send well! But don't be shocked if something shows up "related" to it, since as soon as Shanny said the words, "In-n-Out", my car drove itself there for lunch! (Darn car....mind of it's own! Yeah, it's the car's fault!)

Stay safe! I'm still frightened about the prospect of them handing a Navy man an M-16! Yikes! Ha, ha! :-D (I wish we could post real smilies on these blogs!)


The 3 Walkers said...
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Anonymous said...

We know where your heart is, Beanie! I'm glad your doing well and are starting to settle in. We miss you and think of you constantly! Your always on our minds and in our hearts.
Ang and the gang

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