Sunday, March 12, 2006

Last minute thoughts

Well, this is it - not sure when I will be back up. In the meantime, I will have Shannon on here filling in for the last few hours. What a wild crazy adventure this is. To all those worried, don't. Whether our time comes up driving to work in a stupid early morning pile up, or a million miles away at the hands of a mortar shell, what I have learned this past week (!) is that every minute with family is precious and not to be taken for granted. As well, is that your life must have a purpose. I have found mine as coach, Scout leader, Naval Officer, but most importantly as dad.
Not to worry all - the journey of a thousand miles, or in this case of 392 days starts with a single step. I will try and keep this up to date until I am a little more stable and adjusted in the desert. Thanks to all for your support.

1 comment:

The 3 Walkers said...

I have found mine as coach, Scout leader, Naval Officer, but most importantly as dad.

That's kinda like forgetting to thank your WIFE at the Academy Awards!

I hope all goes well for you over there. It'll suck, no doubt. But you're a smart man....and a submariner. When all else fails, DIVE, DIVE, DIVE!!! (Okay...levity in this situation doesn't work as well as you'd like it to!)

The entire Walker family wishes you well. Stay safe, stay motivated to come home (DUH!), and know that Shanny is tough!

Mike, Michelle, Meghann Walker