Sunday, March 12, 2006

Vince made it to Ft. Jackson

Well, Vince has made it to Ft. Jackson in South Carolina. His spirits seem to be ok, and he met up with the Chief he will be heading over there with. He says he is a nice guy and he looks forward to getting to know him better. From the sounds of it he will be leaving for Kuwait around the 25-26th, and his date for entering Iraq still seems set at April 9th. He is getting settled in, it is an open squad bay so it is a bit different than what he has experienced in the past. They will be issuing him both a pistol and an M-16, lord help us! lol

The boys are doing ok, each is coping in their own way. Aleks just wants to be near me, and Derek is being quiet and alone except for the occasional hug. I think the tears have stopped until at least bedtime though. There are periods when everything seems normal around here and I expect Vince to pop around the corner. I feel sorry for Vince's dog Bella, she is looking all over for him and just doesn't understand. Of all of us I think this will be most difficult for her, she worships the ground he walks on.

Sorry to sound so depressing folks, but tomorrow is another day. It also means we are one step closer to Vinces homecoming, and our lives getting back to normal. Thank you all so much for the support, right now I just really want to talk and keep my mind off things. I will continue to update until Vince is able to get back on here himself.

Shannon for Vince


The 3 Walkers said...

They will be issuing him both a pistol and an M-16

They do realize he's in the NAVY, right ;-)

Hey, were over there once too. Back in "the day"! I remember when you checked into San Diego and I was SO impressed because you'd been with a "deployable" band! Vince will come back just as normal as you did.....WHOOPS! Hee, hee!

I'm glad that your boys have a strong mother, THAT will help them get through this. You aren't a member of the "Whiney Women's League", you're a member of the "This Sucks, but I'll Suck it Up League"! At least there can be a lot of contact with all the computers and everything nowadays. Everytime my brother-in-law has been over there recently (2 times in this last campaign and once in Desert Storm) he emails us so much it's hard to keep up with it! Once you get Vince's hard address over there, let us know....I'll send him some real mail too. I know real mail is fun! And if there is a SoCal treat he'd like, I'll send it as well. (I know you are all deprived on the East Coast!)

Stay strong woman. I know you will!

~*Michelle, Mike and Meghann*~

Anonymous said...

Thanks Michelle,

As always I tresure your input and advice. You have always know just the right thing to say to put a smile on my face even in the worst of times. You've been through this too when Mike was in Oki, I know you can relate. So keep posting on here, your sense of humor is invaluable right now. Love you and miss you my friend.


Anonymous said...