Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Whooooaaah Nelly!

Well, we went from planning on a transit to my next duty station on the 20th, to scrambling to get all my crap together by Sunday, the 12th. I have been soooo lucky to be chosen as part of the "advance team". Sometimes I wonder why I always get such a short straw! Oh well, means I will be the first back stateside!
The tears and sad moments seem to be piling up rapidly - hugs turn in to clutching, a frown becomes bone wracking tears, and my mood is steadily changing from happy - go -lucky dad / coach /community member to steely eyed killer. (insert your jokes here about a pasty overweight submariner being a killer!!!) It is the familiar detachment of mission focus and transformation of the civilian to professional. In some ways it is welcome - we shed ourselves of the mundane, the meaningless, the extraneous BS that everyone deals with. In a lot of ways it is sad - it reminds us that war and military life is meant for the young and young at heart. Thank god for our volunteer force because this couldn't be done by the conscripted.
In other news, I am continuing to figure out this blog thing - I have allowed for anonymous comments, so feel free to tell me what a pansy I am (all hail the pansies! - to quote Madagascar) without having to log in.
By the way Katie, thanks for your comment, and I look forward to reading your blog as well - you will soon find the world of opportunity that will open for you as you continue in school, and in life - you only have one thing in the entire world that they can never take away from you, but that you can debase and freely give away, and that is your integrity. You have more of it than most adults. You will make a fine, beautiful woman one day, and I am looking forward to watching you continue to mature and grow.


Anonymous said...

VinDog, you know our thoughts and prayers will be with you daily as you serve our great nation - and though we can't be there with Shannon and the boys in presence, we will be with them in spirit (and certainly via phone and e-mail!). Keep your head down, your powder dry, and your eyes on the prize - that wondeful homecoming that will be here sooner than you know it!

Anonymous said...

No worries shipmate!

Like you said...
Find a General, craw up his (or her) butt and hide there for a year. You'll be home before you know it! :)

...but seriously, I think everyone's prayers are with you Vince...and of course Shannon and the kids. We'll be thinking of you often.

Oh by the way, can this "blog thing" post pictures? Either way, we'll keep you updated with the team throughout the season!

...be safe!